How Can I Check the Status of My Order?

You’ll receive an email confirmation with your tracking number once your order ships. Use it to track your order directly on our website. Need help? Contact us at info@jetsetessentials.co.

How Long Does Shipping Take?

Processing takes up to 72 hours, and shipping in the U.S. usually takes 7-14 days. We offer competitive pricing by shipping directly from suppliers, which may result in slightly longer shipping times.

Do You Ship Internationally?

Yes, we ship to most major countries worldwide.

How Can I Track My Order?

Once your tracking number is sent, you can track your order via our website.

Can I Cancel My Order?

Orders can’t be canceled after shipping, but you can return them for a refund. Check our refund policy for details.

How Can I Contact You?

Send us an email at info@jetsetessentials.co and we’ll assist you as soon as possible.

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